We can help you earn your CDA today
Tiffany Key, who is an Assistant Teacher at the Each One Teach One child care center in Jackson County, MO, recently earned her Infant/Toddler Child Development Associate (CDSA) credential.
"I enjoy working with children and I wanted to have the credential to be able to have that sealed stamp of approval for my career. One day I plan on starting a child care program of my own. I had a great experience going through the Child Care Aware of Missouri® CDA Scholarship Program. The communication was great and my questions were answered on time. Everyone was so helpful and understanding. I learned how to be a better teacher and how to have more patience. This taught me how to be a better person for myself and the children. It also taught me how to communicate with parents more. My biggest challenge was making sure that my work was completed in the correct way. I took deep breaths, inhaled and exhaled, and made it through. I just kept telling myself the reason why I was doing this and that got me through in the end. Thank you."
You too can realize your dreams through our scholarships. Find out more and apply today at https://mochildcareaware.org/cda-scholarship-project-home/.
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