Our First Home Visitor CDA Graduate!

The TEACH Early Childhood® Missouri Scholarships launched a pilot of the Home Visitor CDA credential in 2024. We are thrilled that Jamia McKay, a Home Visitor at Central Missouri Community Action in Boon County, MO, is our first graduate with this national credential. These are Jamia’s reflections: 

"Since obtaining my Home Visitor CDA I feel more sure of myself and the information I am educating parents on for their children. Before, I had my program's curriculum to help support my lesson plans and methods. Now with my CDA, I am able to also use the learning principles as well to help support the learning environment.

The biggest takeaway from the CDA came to me while I was working on my portfolio and doing my resource collection. When I had to put together the different activities for different age groups for each learning area, this part of the portfolio helped to remind me to plan for children with disabilities or adaptations. Since I don’t always have a child in my caseload who requires modification on activities, I don’t always think of those modifications or how I could make that activity work for a child who may be delayed or have certain needs. 

I feel more valued now, especially with it being a required part of my position. Being able to let my supervisor and program manager know I completed this item and requirement that I’ve had as a goal on my personal development plan and have them recognize me for accomplishing it feels great. 

Personally, my children see that when you set a goal for yourself, you make a plan, you do the work, and you can accomplish it. Even if it’s not going as quickly as you would like or how you planned. For me, the biggest thing is to be a role model for my daughters. 

All in all, I am proud to have completed my home visitor CDA. I plan to continue my professional development growth and apply it to teaching the infants and toddlers I work with. It’s hard work and takes time but it is worth it if you plan to stay in early childhood education, best of luck to everyone else on this journey!" 

Congratulations, Jamia!

To learn more about TEACH Missouri, please visit teach-missouri.org.

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