Get your CDA to advance your career today!

Destiny Johnson is an assistant lead educator at Casa Dia Montessori in St. Louis County who earned her CDA this year.

‘I felt driven to get my CDA in so many ways. The children motivated me to be the best teacher I could be for them and their families. My mother and my family pushed me to further my education too. I am so grateful for this opportunity. My director now brags that I went the extra mile to become a credentialed teacher at our center. I love learning and my experience was amazing. My Scholarship Counselor was so helpful. She kept me on track even during the portfolio which was tough because I wanted to get it right. I have been recommending the CDA to all my coworkers. Thanks again Child Care Aware of Missouri. I even posted my CDA on my social media. I feel so powerful knowing I have the knowledge to help others now.’

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