Child Care Keeps Missouri Working: An Economic Development Webinar Series

We would like to invite the business and economic development leaders in communities throughout Missouri to two upcoming webinars and hope you will invite others in your circle to attend.
Part One is an overview of the child care supply issues and challenges along with national and state data that link to the child care crisis and how it is affecting the economy, businesses, and families.
Part Two is an opportunity to discuss solutions and share examples of strategies used in other states as well as a few here in Missouri.
We hope you can join us to hear more and add your own voice to this very important conversation. Pass this opportunity along to economic development leaders, community and city planners, HR leaders of manufacturing and other businesses employing people who have young children, community nonprofit leaders, business leaders, or anyone else looking to find solutions to their community’s child care issues.
Explore our other Child Care Aware® of Missouri resources:
FREE Clock Hour Training
Scholarships for Educators
Child Care Health and Wellness
Family Child Care Network
Leadership Development Opportunities
Missouri Office of Childhood Updates
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