Public Comment Period Open Now

This message is SUPER IMPORTANT for child care providers to read and is TIME SENSITIVE! Right NOW is your opportunity to give input on the state plan for how Missouri uses Child Care Development Funds (CCDF) for subsidy and other quality initiatives supporting child care providers.
The Federal government requires all states to update their Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) plan every three years and they must get stakeholder input. The CCDF plan documents how Missouri will utilize CCDF funds to support child care 2025-2027. Keep in mind, the Feds create the framework for how the funds can be spent. Missouri must follow those guidelines. In other words, they cannot fund random things. They must describe how they’re going to meet the Federal requirements and recommendations in the plan.
Last week, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Childhood (OOC), published their proposed changes to the CCDF plan found at 2025 - 2027 CCDF State Plan Draft | Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education ( Stakeholders have until May 24, 2024, to submit their comments.
You can provide your written comments in one of three ways:
- Complete the survey located under 'CCDF State Plan' Federal Fiscal Year 2025-27 CCDF Chapter 1 (
- Send an email to
- Mail comments to: DESE Office of Childhood, ATTN: Child Care Subsidy Administrator, 205 Jefferson Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101
If you prefer, you can attend one of five public hearings to review the proposed revisions, ask clarifying questions, and make comments. Zoom and in-person options are available. CCDF 2025-2027 Notice of Public Hearings | Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education ( will provide the dates, times, and location/Zoom invite. Five dates are available May 6th through May 18th.
Helpful information to know about regulatory changes the federal government made:
The Federal government recently announced regulatory changes to the CCDF that go into effect April 30, 2024. States may request a temporary waiver for an extension of up to two years to ensure there is enough time to execute the steps to comply. Our national partner, Child Care Aware of America, has summarized the changes in this new federal rule -
Here are some important items that we want to call out from the new rule:
States are REQUIRED to:
- Cap family copayments at 7% of household income for subsidy-eligible families.
- Post current information about copayment sliding fee scales on their consumer education sites, including waived copayment policies and estimated copayment amounts.
- Implement payment practices that are consistent with the private-pay market, including paying prospectively and reimbursing based on enrollment instead of attendance.
- Provide some services through grants and contracts to help increase the supply and quality of child care for children in underserved areas, infants and toddlers and children with disabilities.
- Implement subsidy eligibility policies and procedures that minimize disruptions to families and lessen the burden of CCDF administrative requirements on families. States are encouraged to offer online subsidy applications.
You are encouraged to engage in this process to help guide how our state utilizes these funds. The only way to engage in the process is to submit your comments via Steps 1, 2 or 3 listed above and/or attend a public hearing in-person or by Zoom.
Thank you for all you do caring for and educating Missouri’s children!
Robin Phillips, CEO
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