The PPP Grant Deadline is April 30th!

The PPP Grant Deadline is April 30th!

Looking to apply for relief grant funding for your child care organization? Child Care Aware® of Missouri (CCAMO) has helped over 167 providers apply for over 3.5 million dollars in funding! We are providing Technical Assistance (TA) to help providers apply for various grants. More pertinently, the Paycheck Protection Program’s deadline is April 30th. We can help you apply for this grant on April 27th’s TA! 

Grants to be covered:

  • The Start-up/Expansion/Enhancement grant
  • Technical/Business Assistance grant
  • Another PPP Grant

The following dates are available to register for:


  • Wednesday, April 27 (6:00 pm - 8:30 pm)


  • Tuesday, May 10 (6:00 pm - 8:30 pm)
  • Wednesday, May 25 (6:00 pm - 8:30 pm)

New information has been provided from DESE Office of Childhood. Starting up a SOF child care program does not qualify for start-up grant funds. If a child care program applies for Expansion they are also eligible for Enhancement. The enhancement grant is at the original capacity.

We hope this new information helps clarify for you what grants you are eligible for.



Child Care Aware® of Missouri does not administer the grants. Thus, if you have already applied, we do not have access to or the status of your application as our organization does not decide these matters. DESE Office of Childhood administers and awards the grants.

If you have questions about your submitted application, please reach out to and provide your program information, including your DVN, and which grants you applied for.

To Register or Ask Questions - 

We look forward to serving you soon!



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