Office of Childhood Grant Opportunities Are Back!

Start-Up Grants
The Office of Childhood has announced that start-up grants are now available for those pursuing the start-up of a licensed child care program in child care desert areas in Missouri. Please review the Instructions and Terms & Conditions closely on the Start-up Licensed Program webpage if you are interested in this funding opportunity.
Licensed Program Start-Up Webpage
- Applicants must submit a paper application; there is no online application available for this grant. Applications are due by February 6, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
- Applications will be reviewed and, if eligible, awarded as soon as possible after the submission of a complete application.
- If awarded, the new child care program must be licensed by August 31, 2024. There will be no extensions to this timeline since funding for this grant from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Discretionary expires in September 2024.
Contact or call 573-415-8951, extension 1, if you have questions about this funding opportunity.
Expansion Grants
The Office of Childhood is also working on a funding opportunity for existing child care programs that want to expand the number of infant and toddler slots, using ARPA Discretionary funds. More information coming soon.
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