Start 2024 Investing In Your Leadership

Last chance to view Live2Lead 2023!
Invest in your personal development to start 2024! Remember – everyone is a leader. Classroom educators through program owners can gain from this event!
This rebroadcast is offered on February 23, 2024, from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm. Missouri child care clock hours are available (4).
John C Maxwell, Marcus Buckingham, Ryan Leak, and Kendra Scott all share their stories and highlight how you can change your perspective, learn more, and be the best leader you can be in 2024. Read how the session impacted two recent participants:
“Thank you for a great presentation today! If I’m being honest, I wasn’t sure how much I would take away from today’s session but boy was I wrong. I learned so much from some amazing speakers. I’m excited to use this to apply to my daily life… Truly inspiring. I would recommend this presentation to anyone. 10 out of 10!” – Family Educator, MP.
“My biggest takeaway was fostering a failure-friendly environment. I work with the families directly and help parents who are almost always experiencing some sort of crisis… After today’s training and that reflection piece, I am turning a new leaf and basking in the positive things that are happening, no matter how small. I am also going to challenge those around me to do the same thing….Thank you for all of your insightful thoughts on my action plan. I look forward to seeing you again next year.“- Family Advocate, KK
A small investment of $79 per person can provide so much value.
Please email with questions.
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