August Trainings Are Filling Fast! Register Today!

Upcoming Online Trainings
Contact Abbie Bibb, Training Coordinator, at with any questions.
** Registration for training sessions listed below closes at 5:00pm the day before the training is scheduled to be held.
Social & Emotional Foundations for Learning (SEFL)
Creating a Socially and Emotionally Aware Classroom (SEFL 4)
What does a socially and emotionally aware classroom look like? In this training, we will examine some of the components of a socially and emotionally aware classroom. We will discuss temperament and strategies to engage children. In addition, emotional literacy is key to a socially and emotionally aware classroom. We will define emotional literacy and how to best develop it within your classroom.
CDA Subject Area III
Saturday, August 6th 9:30am – 11:30am
Strategies for Teaching Social and Emotional Skills (SEFL 5)
The challenging part of implementing strategies for teaching children social and emotional skills is that what may work one day with one child may not work the next day, and what is effective for Miguel is not effective for Daisy. One size does not fit all. This training will provide calming strategies and strategies for teaching children about emotions, empathy, and building friendships.
CDA Subject Area III
Monday, August 22nd 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Building Emotional Well-Being and Social Competence in Children (SEFL 2)
A strong foundation of social and emotional skills is key to a child’s development in other areas. A child having the ability to self-regulate, play well with others, and resolve conflicts supports that child’s opportunity to be happy, confident, and eager to learn about the world around them. This session will focus on why a child’s social and emotional development is important. We will also discuss executive functions and look at strategies to support self-regulation.
CDA Subject Area III
Tuesday, August 23rd 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Basic Knowledge Curriculum: Early Childhood (BKC EC)
Positive Interactions with Children (EC 1)
Does your child care program foster critical and creative thinking? Are you able to identify adult behavior that leads to sensitive, respectful adult-child interactions? Positive Interactions with Children outlines the importance of caring for children based on positive, warm, and nurturing relationships. Support early development and learning by understanding the benefits children receive through positive interactions.
CDA Subject Area III
Monday, August 8th 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Supervision of Young Children Part 1* (EC 21)
Do you know the foundations of quality supervision? In part 1 of Supervision of Young Children, we will explore the building blocks and strategies of supervision to ensure proper supervision for all children in your care. We will also look at why maintaining correct staff/child ratios are key. Exceptional supervision of our youngest children is essential to their safety. Join us as we work to keep Missouri’s Children safe!
CDA Subject Area I
Tuesday, August 9th 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Elevating the Child Care Profession (EC 18)
Why should you care if child care is seen as a profession? This is one of the most important questions in our field today. How we view child care educators will determine the wage, the education, and the support offered at federal and state levels. Join us in discussing what it means to elevate the child care profession. Where do you see yourself as a professional?
CDA Subject Area IV
Tuesday, August 16th 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Emergency Planning (EC 19)
Emergency Planning will equip you with the knowledge you need to plan for any type of emergency, including intruders, earthquakes, missing, lost, or abducted children. Discover ways to keep children calm and engaged during an emergency. Set your child care program up for success through emergency planning and by knowing how to outline your emergency procedure when onboarding new staff. Are you prepared?
CDA Subject Areas I & V
Thursday, August 18th 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Promoting Cultural Awareness (EC 17)
When attending Promoting Cultural Awareness, educators will learn to define what influences culture, define the 3 A's of Communication, and how to utilize them in their work with children. We will also be diving into what culturally responsive teaching is and how to apply the principle within the classroom.
CDA Subject Area IV
Wednesday, August 24th 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Supervision of Young Children Part 2 (EC 22)
What does providing successful supervision look like in your classroom? In part 2 of Supervision of Young Children, we will examine the keys to successful supervision and learn to identify strategies for successful supervision of young children. Do you know what to do if a child elopes – a child voluntarily leaves the program without your knowledge - or goes missing while in your care? Don’t miss out on this training to learn more!
CDA Subject Area I
Thursday, August 25th 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Healthy Eating (EC 14)
During this Healthy Eating training, educators will learn the role that nutrition plays in promoting wellness in children and be able to identify basic guidelines of nutritious meals. Educators will also learn strategies to promote nutrition and healthy eating practices with families.
CDA Subject Areas I & V
Saturday, August 27th 9:30am – 11:30am
Routines, Rituals, & Schedules (EC 7)
Why is it important to have a daily schedule? How do routines and rituals fit into your schedule? By understanding the importance of the child’s needs and interests when developing a daily schedule, transitions and activities are much easier. There are key differences between routines, rituals, and schedules that are important for each child and that support social and emotional development. Fit us in your schedule and join us for Routines, Rituals, & Schedules!
CDA Subject Area I
Monday, August 29th 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Creative Development in Children (EC 11)
While attending Creative Development, you will learn the importance of creativity in a child's development and three essential parts of promoting creative development in children. Each attendee will create one activity to use in the classroom that promotes creativity.
CDA Subject Area II
Tuesday, August 30th 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Playing with a Purpose (EC 6)
Play is learning for everyone. A child’s day-to-day life is centered around play. Do you find yourself wondering why play is so important to a child’s development? Different types of play offer diverse developmental benefits to each child. Exercise developmentally appropriate practices by identifying different ways to support play in your classroom, and to help each child meet challenging and achievable learning goals through Playing with a Purpose.
CDA Subject Area I
Wednesday, August 31st 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Basic Knowledge Curriculum: Infant & Toddler (BKC IT)
What Infants and Toddlers are Telling Us (IT 4)
What have the infants or toddlers you work with told you today? Did you know that infants “talk” through crying and other non-verbal communications? While infants and toddlers cannot speak with words, they do communicate in many other ways. Learn how these cues form the foundation of language development. Learn how temperament, challenging behaviors, and cultural traditions can shape how an infant or toddler will communicate. This session will also share how to discover the communication and meaning of behaviors, such as biting and tantrums.
CDA Subject Area IV
Wednesday, August 10th 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Check out Child Care Aware® of Missouri’s Training page for more information.
Other Child Care Aware® Missouri Trainings
Ambassador Advocacy Academy: Advocacy 101
*This training is 1 clock hour
This powerful one-hour webinar
- Will teach you how to communicate clearly and concisely to ensure your advocacy message is heard.
- Easy-to-master advocacy tools and techniques.
- Relationship building strategies that make others feel motivated and willing to support your cause.
- Actionable steps for creating a compelling advocacy message.
- And so much more!
CDA Subject Area VI
Thursday, August 11th 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Please reach out to Chiala at with any questions regarding this training Funded by Child Care Aware® of America
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