Floods, Tornados, Earthquakes: Is Your Business Prepared?

Child Care Aware ® of Missouri Introduces:
Show Me MO Emergency Preparation, Response, and Recovery
for Licensed Family Child Care Providers
Licensed family child care providers, empower yourself and your business with vital emergency preparedness information! Join us for 90 minutes virtually in February, submit an emergency preparedness action plan, and receive a $150 emergency kit upon completion. The Peer-To-Peer Network (PPN) sessions are not Missouri clock hour approved BUT you will gain the ability to respond swiftly and recover effectively from unforeseen situations. Elevate your expertise in emergency readiness while connecting with those who've faced similar challenges.
- Engage in virtual PPNs to learn from others about lived emergency experiences.
- Strengthen your knowledge of emergency preparedness.
- Be prepared to respond and recover in the event of an emergency.
- Receive an emergency kit valued at $150 for completing a peer-to-peer network (PPN) session.
- Choose the PPN most relevant to you. Register to attend just one PPN or ALL!
Come prepared to learn and safeguard your future!
PPN 2 - February 22 6:30 TO 8:00 PM
Topics covered:
- Flood and Tornado
- Natural Disaster-Earthquakes etc.
Register today for the February virtual PPN! Scan the QR code or click the link below.
PPN 3 - Registration opening soon!
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