Early Childhood Support in the Workplace Quiz
Hey there, workers, parents, and bosses too,
This quiz is made just for you!
We’ll talk about child care and workplace ties,
And how businesses can help families rise.
1: What is the average amount of paid parental leave offered by businesses in the United States?
a) 2 weeks
b) 6 weeks
c) 12 weeks
d) The U.S. does not have a federally mandated minimum
2: What percentage of businesses in the U.S. offer on-site child care as a benefit?
a) Less than 10%
b) About 25%
c) Nearly 50%
d) Over 75%
3: Which of these is a common workplace policy designed to support parents of young children?
a) Unlimited vacation days
b) Flexible work hours and remote work options
c) Free lunch Fridays
d) Paid sabbaticals every year
4: True or False: Businesses that provide child care benefits to employees can qualify for federal tax credits.
a) True
b) False
5: For a family with two working parents, what percentage of their household income is typically spent on child care?
a) 5%
b) 10%
c) 20%
d) 35%
1. What is the average amount of paid parental leave offered by businesses in the United States?2. What percentage of businesses in the U.S. offer on-site child care as a benefit?
3. Which of these is a common workplace policy designed to support parents of young children?
4. True or False: Businesses that provide child care benefits to employees can qualify for federal tax credits.
Source: Under the Employer-Provided Child Care Tax Credit (Section 45F of the IRS Code), businesses can receive tax credits for offering child care benefits, including on-site care or subsidies for employees. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - Employer-Provided Child Care Tax Credit https://www.irs.gov/
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