Small Steps Make Big Changes

Shelly Davis is the director of Small Steps Preschool, a license-exempt child care program in Sullivan (Franklin County). She always looks for ways to increase the quality of preschool. While participating in Missouri Supporting Early Childhood Administrators (MO-SECA), Shelly heard about Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment Child Care (NAPSACC), Shelly knew this was her next step in building upon the quality she had already achieved through MO-SECA.
Shelly and her staff decided to work on the NAPSACC module of Outdoor Play and Learning. Their playground had no afternoon shade. This presented a big problem, particularly in the summer. They purchased three large umbrellas placed around the playground fence. They have also purchased a triangle sunscreen for a corner of the playground that will be installed once the weather stays warm. The outdoor kitchen is one of the favorite shaded areas on the playground. Small Steps Preschool went from having the lowest rating for playground shade to the highest rating. They have added new equipment and plan to purchase additional portable items in the spring. Shelly is very proud of the improvements they have made to their playground. The children love spending time outside.
Shelly has loved participating in NAPSACC stating, “The small steps really did add up to big changes over time.” She has utilized the resources from the Go NAPSACC website as well as those through her free subscription to Show Me Child Care Resources, which she received because of her participation in the Go NAPSACC project. The support Shelly received from her Technical Assistance (TA) Specialist, Rose Muñoz, was essential to her success. Rose provided accountability to keep Shelly and her staff moving forward and the opportunity to discuss ideas. Rose was impressed by Shelly’s intentionality with the project. The staff have incorporated physical activity into their morning routines and reduced screentime. They want to continue finding opportunities to incorporate physical activity into their schedule to put the children on a healthy path.
Moving forward, Shelly would like to become MOve Smart recognized and continue to use the NAPSACC tool to periodically complete an assessment to maintain and increase the health and wellness quality they have achieved.
Are you interested in making your own success story? Registration is now open for the group starting in April! To learn more about NAPSACC, click here. Ready to register for the April-September group? Click here to register.
If you have questions, please contact Lauri Choate, Director of Training at or 314-754-1603
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