Explore resources to increase physical activity and nutrition

Birdsall House in Kansas City has always placed a high value on physical activity and healthy nutrition. They were excited to participate in NAPSACC in 2020 to see how they could improve on their current practices. Kelly Raines, Director, and her staff created an edible playground where the children could explore and eat straight from the plants and vines. The children love making their own snacks using the items they helped grow, such as mulberry mush and flavoring water using dandelions, mint and berries.
Interested in creating your own edible playground or other ideas to increase nutrition and physical activity within your program? Join NAPSACC!
By enrolling in NAPSACC you will receive:
- Individual Technical Assistance (TA) from your assigned TA Specialist to achieve your nutrition and physical activity goals. All TA is conducted through Zoom, Face Time or a similar platform.
- A free one-year subscription to Show Me Child Care Resources
- An education materials gift card from Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services values at $75
Most importantly, laying a foundation of a healthy lifestyle for the children and families in your program.
Click here to learn more about NAPSACC.
If you have questions, please contact Lauri Choate, Director of Training at lauri@mochildcareaware.org or 314-754-1603.
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