Create Lifelong Healthy Habits for Children

Lisa Scheer, Director at Baden Christian Child Care Center in St. Louis joined the NAPSACC (Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment Child Care) project in March 2022. They had participated in Taking Steps to Healthy Success with Child Care Aware® of Missouri in 2019 which laid a strong foundation of developing healthy nutrition and physical practices at the programs. Lisa joined NAPSACC wanting to keep the momentum moving forward and building upon the foundation them already had.
Making water readily available has been a key practice they have maintained over the years. Educators model drinking water throughout the day and talking about the importance of drinking water is a daily conversation with the children.
They also made changes to their classroom celebrations policy to make them healthier. The families were initially not board with the policy changes when they were introduced at the monthly family meeting. They wanted to bring cupcakes for birthdays because birthdays = cupcakes! Lisa explained they would have fruit kabobs, play games and find other ways to celebrate the child’s special day through healthier means. It took a period of adjustment, but the families now understand and appreciate the healthier celebrations.
Lisa and staff continue to use the training videos on the website to educate new staff to help them better understand the “why” of their health and wellness policies. The NAPSACC resources have also been a great support when working with families to increase healthy habits at home.
Lisa appreciates the opportunity to participate in NAPSACC. The project has supported a healthier lifestyle for her staff, children and families.
Do you want to join NAPSACC?
By enrolling in NAPSACC you will receive:
- Individual Technical Assistance (TA) from your assigned TA Specialist to achieve your nutrition and physical activity goals. All TA is conducted through Zoom, Face Time or a similar platform.
- A free one-year subscription to Show Me Child Care Resources
- An education materials gift card from Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Most importantly, laying a foundation of a healthy lifestyle for the children and families in your program.
If you have questions, please contact Lauri Choate, Director of Training at or 314-754-1603.
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