Child Care Programs Make Big Impact with NAPSACC

These child care centers and family child care homes accomplished 72 goals making changes within their programs to increase children’s health and nutrition! NAPSACC (Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment Child Care) is funded through a grant from Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Each program had an assigned Technical Assistant Specialist that provided support for them to accomplish at least two goals in one of the eligible six topic areas. Each program chose their goals based upon their self-assessment and tailored their action plans to meet the needs of their program. The following programs successfully completed at least two goals in the following NAPSACC topic areas:
Child Nutrition
- Little Hearts Day Care in Poplar Bluff (CTR)
- Julie Malone in Kansas City (FCC)
- First Presbyterian Preschool in Rolla (CTR)
- Small Steps Preschool in Sullivan (CTR)
- Land of Imagination (Angela Evans) in Sikeston (FCC)
- Kingdom Kids LLC in Neosho (CTR)
- ABCs & 123s in New Haven (CTR)
Farm to ECE
- Footprints & Friends, Too in Joplin (CTR)
- Kids First Day Care and Preschool in Carthage (CTR)
- Kimber’s Kiddos in Ste. Genevieve (FCC)
- The Nature’s Little Friends in Mt. Vernon (CTR)
Outdoor Play
- Gingerbread House Learning Center in St. Louis (CTR)
- Kyddie Karnival Learning Center in St. Louis (CTR)
Infant & Child Physical Activity
- Kidz and Company LLC in Farmington (CTR)
- Early Explorers Academy in St. Louis (CTR)
- Community Child Care Learning Center in Moberly (CTR)
Screen Time
- Eagle’s Nest in Jasper (CTR)
There is also the topic are of Infant Feeding and Breastfeeding that programs are working towards goals in the next round.
Tracy James, Director at First Presbyterian Preschool in Rolla appreciated the opportunity to participate in the project as the research and practices of Go NAPSACC provided the backing she needed to make changes to the menu and add new nutrition policies.
Thank you to our TA Specialist, Shannon Carr, Rose Muñoz, Lori Schumer and Sue Kuda who did a fabulous job of supporting programs!
If you are interested in learning more about Go NAPSACC, click here.
To register for a future group, Click here to register.
If you have questions, please contact Lauri Choate, Director of Training at or 314-754-1603.
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