April is National Garden Month

April is National Garden Month!
Gardening provides so many wonderful learning opportunities. Through garden projects children can learn:
- Math (Counting tomato blooms)
- Science (Why does a plant need sun and water?)
- Cognitive (Identifying colors in the garden)
- Process Art (Creating pictures of fruits and vegetables from the garden)
- Social (Tending the garden together creates a community of learners)
- Emotional (Digging in the dirt can be a great stress reliever for some children)
- Physical (Digging, raking and moving dirt)
And so much more….
A garden can be started in a raised bed, in the ground or a container that can be inside or outside. NAPSACC can help you start your garden!
NAPSACC (Nutrition and Physical Activity Self Assessment Child Care) is all about making small changes to create big results to support young children developing life-long healthy habits.
By enrolling in NAPSACC you will receive:
- Individual Technical Assistance (TA) from your assigned TA Specialist to achieve your nutrition and physical activity goals. All TA is conducted through Zoom, Face Time or a similar platform.
- A free one-year subscription to Show Me Child Care Resources
- An education materials gift card from Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services values at $75
Most importantly, laying a foundation of a healthy lifestyle for the children and families in your program.
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!
Click here to learn more about NAPSACC.
If you have questions, please contact Lauri Choate, Director of Training at lauri@mochildcareaware.org or 314-754-1603.
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