Child Care Keeps Missouri Working℠

We Are Your Child Care Expert!

Written by Child Care Aware® of Missouri | Jun 5, 2024 2:19:28 PM

Child Care Aware® of Missouri has been actively connecting with Missouri businesses and leaders to share non-policy strategies for addressing the child care crisis that employers and communities can implement immediately.

Over the past several months, we have engaged with business leaders, workforce and economic development leaders, local chambers, and HR leaders to highlight how the lack of child care impacts workforce recruitment, retention, and overall business operations. By addressing these challenges and offering practical solutions, we aim to improve the quality of life in communities and help businesses retain and recruit employees more effectively.

We are ready to partner with you! If you are hosting an event, a workforce summit, or a community roundtable discussion, we can address this urgent topic. Our expertise can guide these conversations and provide actionable solutions.

With over 24 years of experience, Child Care Aware® of Missouri has a trusted reputation and a well-established presence in the state. We have the knowledge, child care systems expertise, and financial stewardship credibility to make these partnerships successful.

Although the recent Missouri child care tax credit did not pass, there are still many other solutions available to ease the child care challenge. Would you like to learn more?

Let us help identify and implement those solutions. Contact us today at

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FREE Clock Hour Training
Scholarships for Educators
Child Care Nutrition and Physical Activity
Family Child Care Network
Leadership Development Opportunities
Missouri Office of Childhood Updates
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