Driving Change to Support Your Employees and Business

Attention Decision Makers and Influencers!

Over the past months, Child Care Aware® of Missouri has been actively engaging with business leaders, workforce development professionals, Chambers of Commerce, and HR leaders to address the pressing issue of the child care crisis. We've been sharing practical, non-policy strategies that can be implemented right away to alleviate the challenges faced by employers and communities.

Our focus is on illustrating how the shortage of child care options is impacting crucial aspects of workforce dynamics, including recruitment, retention, and workforce migration. Moreover, we're shedding light on the broader economic ramifications and the effect on overall quality of life in communities across Missouri.

We're here to collaborate with you! Whether you're organizing an event, workforce summit, or community roundtable discussion to address this urgent issue, or simply seeking actionable solutions, we're ready to help. And it's not just about on-site child care solutions. Let us leverage our expertise in the child care system to provide innovative ideas on how employers can support their employees' needs and contribute to building child care capacity in their communities.

These strategies necessitate investment from employers and communities, along with partnerships with intermediaries like Child Care Aware® of Missouri and its local partners. With our deep knowledge, expertise in child care systems, and proven track record of fiscal stewardship, we're well-equipped to drive meaningful change.

While many advocates, businesses, and Chambers in Missouri support the Child Care Tax Credits as does Child Care Aware® of Missouri, we know there is a need to do something right now to bridge the child care gap! We believe we have some answers.  Contact us today at CCKMW@mochildcareaware.org!

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Explore our other Child Care Aware® of Missouri resources:

FREE Clock Hour Training
Scholarships for Educators
Child Care Nutrition and Physical Activity
Family Child Care Network
Leadership Development Opportunities
Missouri Office of Childhood Updates
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